Juen Fisheries Ltd is an entity registered with the Companies House, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom.
The company number is #15197525.
The business office address is 1 414699 York House, Green Lane West
Company Number | 15197525 |
Address |
1 414699 York House, Green Lane West Preston PR3 1NJ UNITED KINGDOM |
Company Category | Private Limited Company |
Company Status | Active |
Origin Country | United Kingdom |
Incorporation Date | 2023-10-09 |
Account Category | NO ACCOUNTS FILED |
Account Reference Date | Month: 10, Day: 31 |
Next accounts due by | 2025-07-09 |
Next returns due by | 2024-11-06 |
Next confirmation statement due by | 2024-10-22 |
SIC Code | Industry |
47230 | Retail sale of fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised stores |
Officer Name | Role | Status | Appointed | Correspondence Address |
NUERTEY, Daniel Juen | Director | Active | 9 October 2023 | 1 414699 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom, PR3 1NJ |
Officer Name | Role | Status | Appointed | Occupation | Correspondence Address |
NUERTEY, Daniel Juen | Director | Active | 9 October 2023 | Managing Director | 1 414699 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom, PR3 1NJ |
Street Address |
Post Town | PRESTON |
Post Code | PR3 1NJ |
Company Name | Address | Incorporation Date |
Gulnara Ltd | York House 296255, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-03-16 |
Locknlift Ltd | Seif Adel 432988 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-02-20 |
Aurora Jewellry Ltd | Pine Trees Green Lane West, Garstang, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-02-23 |
Aly Elkazaz Ltd | 369204 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-02-26 |
Comsove Global Operations Limited | 51336 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-04-22 |
3omra 2025 Ltd | York House Unit 11 Manor Park Green Lane West, Garstang, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-04-04 |
Bauer Peter Ltd | 463319 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-03-19 |
Khanewal Ltd | 480542 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-04-26 |
Jota Bana Ltd | 471676 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-04-15 |
Mian & Sons Ltd | 481562 York House, Green Lane West, Preston, PR3 1NJ | 2024-04-26 |
Find all companies in the same post code |
Company Name | Address | Incorporation Date |
Whiteboard Paas Limited | 5 Toulmin Close, Catterall, PR3 0EX | 2023-09-23 |
Jdh78 Limited | 5 Toulmin, Catterall, PR3 0EX | 2023-07-11 |
Roof Masters Nw Ltd | 6 Princess Court, Preston, PR3 0ED | 2024-05-17 |
Fowler Hardee Jbg Ltd | 4 Brockholes Avenue, Great Eccleston, Preston, PR3 0EW | 2023-08-23 |
Wright's Agricultural and Plant Services Ltd | 1 Bakewell Close, Catterall, Preston, PR3 0DT | 2023-08-29 |
Warwick Empowerment Academy Ltd | 8 Milestone Drive, Great Eccleston, Preston, PR3 0DH | 2023-12-15 |
Jonny Leech Limited | Gillows Green Stony Lane, Forton, Preston, PR3 0AQ | 2024-04-17 |
Fylde Coast Community Group Cic | Gillows Green Stony Lane, Forton, Preston, PR3 0AQ | 2024-02-02 |
The Couple’S Sanctuary Ltd | Abbey House Kilcrash Lane, Forton, Preston, PR3 0BW | 2023-06-19 |
Macvac Environmental Solutions Ltd | 30 Lapwing Close, Claughton-On-Brock, Preston, PR3 0BY | 2023-02-13 |
Find all companies in the same post code |
Company Name | Address | Incorporation Date |
L J D Fisheries Ltd | The Mousery, Beeches Road, Battlesbridge, SS11 8GH | 2024-04-24 |
Benita Fisheries Ltd | 61 Church Road, Oare, Faversham, ME13 0QB | 2023-06-20 |
Chatha ‘S Fisheries Ltd | 249 Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1TF | 2023-02-24 |
S P Fisheries Ltd | 16 Clervaux Court Hunters Park Avenue, Clayton, Bradford, BD14 6TG | 2023-12-03 |
Djs Fisheries Ltd | 21 Lansdowne Avenue, Leigh-On-Sea, SS9 1LJ | 2023-08-19 |
A K Fisheries 3 Ltd | 3 Stevenson Square, Smallbridge, Rochdale, OL12 9SA | 2023-07-07 |
Hillcrest Fisheries Ltd | 1 Limetree Avenue, Midway, Swadlincote, DE11 0HD | 2023-08-11 |
Top Fisheries Ltd | 547 Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, S9 3RA | 2024-05-14 |
Wjm Fisheries Ltd | 25 Lisanally Gardens, Armagh, BT61 7JA | 2024-02-14 |
Townsend Fisheries Ltd | Townsend Farm, Alveley, Bridgnorth, WV15 6NG | 2023-05-04 |
Do you have more infomration about Juen Fisheries Ltd? Please fill in the following form.
This dataset includes about seven million companies registered with Companies House, under the remit of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. All forms of companies (as permitted by the United Kingdom Companies Act) are incorporated and registered with Companies House and file specific details as required by legislation. Each company is registered with company number, company name, registered address, incorporation date, accounts due date, industry code, etc.
Subject | Business and Economy |
Jurisdiction | United Kingdom |
Data Provider | UK Companies House |
Source | data.gov.uk |
Attribution | Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. |
Companies House is the United Kingdom's registrar of companies and is an executive agency of His Majesty's Government, falling under the remit of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. All forms of companies (as permitted by the Companies Act) are incorporated and registered with Companies House and file specific details as required by legislation. All registered limited companies, including subsidiary, small and inactive companies, must file annual financial statements in addition to annual company returns, and all these are public records. The company dataset includes all statutory company information captured by Companies House: basic company data (company name, registered office address, company status, incorporation date, country of origin, company type, nature of business, accounting reference date, date of last accounts/annual return filed, date of next accounts/annual return due, previous names, share allocation) and all statutory filings by companies contained in the Register. For each company, basic information includes company type and registered office address, the nature of business or standard industrial classification (SIC), company status such as live or dissolved, date of last accounts or confirmation statement filed, date of next accounts or confirmation statement due, previous company names. Since 2010 the Open Data Portal has been helping people to find and use open government data, and supporting government publishers to maintain data. Better data can help inform better policy-making and continuous improvement of services. Departments can combat fraud and reduce waste. By taking ethical, open, innovative and transparent approaches to data we can build greater levels of trust with citizens, whilst delivering more cost-effective and better targeted and tailored services to their needs. Data is at the heart of digital transformation and a part of the Government Transformation Strategy. |