The Main Facade Company Ltd

1 High Street


The Main Facade Company Ltd is an entity registered with the Companies House, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom. The company number is #15356942. The business office address is 1 High Street

Company Information

Company Number 15356942
Address 1 High Street
Company Category Private Limited Company
Company Status Active
Origin Country United Kingdom
Incorporation Date 2023-12-16

Accounts, Returns and Confirmation Statements

Account Category NO ACCOUNTS FILED
Account Reference Date Month: 12, Day: 31
Next accounts due by 2025-09-16
Next returns due by 2025-01-13
Next confirmation statement due by 2024-12-29

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes

SIC CodeIndustry
43390Other building completion and finishing

Company Officers

Officer NameRoleStatusAppointedCorrespondence Address
CZERNIUK, Martin ColinDirectorActive16 December 20231 High Street, Flore, Northampton, England, NN7 4LL

Officer Information


Officer NameRoleStatusAppointedOccupationCorrespondence Address
CZERNIUK, Martin ColinDirectorActive16 December 2023Architect1 High Street, Flore, Northampton, England, NN7 4LL

Companies with the same officer (CZERNIUK, Martin Colin)

Company NameAddressIncorporation Date
Village Design and Planning Ltd Flore Villa, 1 High Street, Flore, NN7 4LL2023-09-29

Location Information

Street Address 1 HIGH STREET
Post Code NN7 4LL

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Companies in the same post code

Company NameAddressIncorporation Date
Village Design and Planning Ltd Flore Villa, 1 High Street, Flore, NN7 4LL2023-09-29

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes about seven million companies registered with Companies House, under the remit of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. All forms of companies (as permitted by the United Kingdom Companies Act) are incorporated and registered with Companies House and file specific details as required by legislation. Each company is registered with company number, company name, registered address, incorporation date, accounts due date, industry code, etc.

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction United Kingdom
Data Provider UK Companies House
Attribution Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Dataset Details

Companies House is the United Kingdom's registrar of companies and is an executive agency of His Majesty's Government, falling under the remit of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. All forms of companies (as permitted by the Companies Act) are incorporated and registered with Companies House and file specific details as required by legislation. All registered limited companies, including subsidiary, small and inactive companies, must file annual financial statements in addition to annual company returns, and all these are public records.

The company dataset includes all statutory company information captured by Companies House: basic company data (company name, registered office address, company status, incorporation date, country of origin, company type, nature of business, accounting reference date, date of last accounts/annual return filed, date of next accounts/annual return due, previous names, share allocation) and all statutory filings by companies contained in the Register. For each company, basic information includes company type and registered office address, the nature of business or standard industrial classification (SIC), company status such as live or dissolved, date of last accounts or confirmation statement filed, date of next accounts or confirmation statement due, previous company names.

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