Mark Merrington



Mark Merrington is an employee working in HM Revenue & Customs, Solicitor's Office. The position title is Business Tax and International Law. The telephone is N/D.

Employee Information

Staff NameMark Merrington
Job TitleBusiness Tax and International Law
Job Team FunctionSolicitor's Office provides legal services to the whole of HMRC. This includes the conduct of tribunal and civil litigation, the provision of legal advice to the Board; work on new legislation, draft statutory instruments and other legal documents, on a v
Post Unique ReferenceOD345
OrganisationHM Revenue & Customs
UnitSolicitor's Office
Parent DepartmentHer Majesty's Revenue and Customs
Reports to Senior PostOD110
Cost of Reports3045193
Full Time Equivalent1
Actual Pay Floor90000
Actual Pay Ceiling94999
Professional Occupational GroupLaw
Publish Date2020-09-30

Employer Information

OrganisationHM Revenue & Customs
UnitSolicitor's Office
Parent DepartmentHer Majesty's Revenue and Customs

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Position Information

Job TitleBusiness Tax and International Law
Job Team FunctionSolicitor's Office provides legal services to the whole of HMRC. This includes the conduct of tribunal and civil litigation, the provision of legal advice to the Board; work on new legislation, draft statutory instruments and other legal documents, on a v
OrganisationHM Revenue & Customs
UnitSolicitor's Office

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes two thousand Senior Civil Servants working for the Government of UK. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and their agencies. Each employee is listed with full name, organisation, unit, job title, salary range, email, telephone, etc.